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Questions To Ask When Investing In Party Tent Rentals

When putting together an event or party, you'll need to consider which rental and service companies to use to help the day or night go more smoothly. Many people choose to invest in party tent rentals so they can prepare for bad weather, create a set event space, and easily host an outdoor event without worry. If you're thinking of investing in this service, you'll want to choose a great party tent rental company to hire. Here are some questions to ask when investing in party tent rentals.

What All Do You Handle on Event Day?

You want to be clear with your expectations and make sure that you're on the same page as the rental company. As you begin to look at options, ask what's included and what they handle on the event day. Some companies may include drop-off and pickup but may charge extra to set up and handle the breakdown process. You want to have a clear idea of what's included and the price that you will pay. 

How Long Is the Rental Period?

There is likely a set time period in place for tent rentals. It may be 24 hours, or you may be able to request additional time if needed. 

How Much Time Is Needed for Setup and Breakdown?

You want to make sure that you plan your day accordingly and allow for enough time for the tent setup and breakdown. This is especially important if you're renting a venue. 

What Do I Need for My Party Size?

Be clear about your guest list size, and your plans for the day. This can help your party tent rental company help you decide on what you need to make your event a success. 

What's Your Most Popular Item?

Tent rental companies work with a variety of people for all kinds of events. They likely have a couple of top-seller items, and there is a good reason for this. Asking which items are most popular can make it easier for you to select your tents and any other rental equipment that you might need. Be sure to ask why certain items are popular and if the item makes sense for your party needs.

 Asking these questions can help you choose the right party tent company to work with on your event day. You want to make sure that you choose the right products and have a stress-free day. 
