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Hobby Farmers Need Farm Insurance, Too

A hobby farm is one that's generally pretty small. Hobby farmers aren't doing it because they are trying to find a primary income from their farming, but are generally doing it because they want to have a hobby or a small secondary income. 


There are several examples of people who could be considered hobby farmers. For example, a person who keeps a small flock of chickens and sells extra eggs to friends or people in the neighborhood could be considered a hobby farmer. A person who keeps goats and uses the goat milk to make specialty soaps would also be a hobby farmer. Someone who keeps a couple of chickens in their backyard because they want to have fresh eggs could also be a hobby farmer. Most people who are hobby farmers don't think that they need to have the same things that a commercial farmer does, including farm insurance. 

Farm Insurance

Farm insurance covers any crops that are planted as well as any animals or livestock that a hobby farmer may have. Depending on the species and breed of animal, livestock can be very expensive. For example, a hobby farmer that keeps a few cows that are of a rare breed in order to help keep the breed alive can pay several hundred dollars per head of cattle. If some were to die due to adverse weather conditions or feed problems, replacing those animals could cost a lot of money. Farm insurance can help defray that cost and make sure that the hobby farmer can get new animals for their herd.

The farm insurance can also help to cover any property damage that may be caused by your animals. For example, if the cows were to find a hole in the fence and wander around, they may do some damage to the neighbors' yards, which means that the neighbors could come back and ask for the farmer to pay to repair the damage. The farm insurance could cover those costs so that the farmer isn't paying for them. The farmer may have a deductible that they will have to meet, but that is common with most forms of insurance. 

If you are a hobby farmer, you probably got into it because you loved the idea of keeping a few animals or growing a few crops. Just because you are doing it for fun or to add in some extra income doesn't mean that you shouldn't protect yourself with farm insurance from a company like the one represented at
